Saturday, 11 April 2015


God is Love . That is His very nature. He looks at us love-starved and seeks to fill us because only He can. We were all made from love with a key-way whose only key is love and no other key can fit.
He desires mercy. He wants to love us irrespective of who we are. Every mother looks at her child and is proud. No one sees a child as the mother does. How then can we describe this one that has called us to love us. What can we give Him that He does not already have but ourselves. Surrendering to Him does not increase Him but makes us whole and that is what He seeks. When He looks at you, He does not see you like others do. Through His loving eyes, your faults and weaknesses grow strangely dim. He is LOVE that called us. He does not seek what we have but who we are.
He never had a reputation. Reclining with sinners without caring about what would be said of Him. While man saw their sins, He saw their souls.
He desires mercy not judgement, never giving us what we deserve as we all deserve death. Woe to those that preach works, classifying the love of the master with scales not even worthy. Who can stand before the Lord? Who can defend rights to the love of God? Can't we see He does not need us to be perfect but calls us to be.
Words can never fully describe this love so indescribable. This uneven relationship between righteous God and righteous man. He calls us righteous not because of what we've done but what He has.
He wants the dead raised into life with Him because there is no other way. Seeing righteousness in our sinful nature makes it all sin as doing all right does not make for righteousness. Why won't we accept a saviour as we cannot do it all.
For what He has done, He expects no reward from us but all He desires from us, He has given to us - His life that in Him, we may live. As oxygen is the only gas we can breathe, He is the only life we can live. He has become all things to all people, a sheep so we would never be one (i.e. molested, pushed around, led to slaughter), sin so we can be righteous, hope so we could look to Him.
Every other door is a dead end as He is the only way.
Who then are you to call unclean what He has made clean, to call unrighteous you who He has made righteous even by becoming sin in the process.
He says the you there because most of the time, we condemn ourselves more than the devil even has to as we even inspire him, doing it in ways he would never have.
"All we can do is all we can do but all we can do is enough". -
All we can do is accept this love that has been given so generously, sold with the currency of faith not works.
All I'm saying is - God loves you. He not just loves you but He's in love with you and it's not based on you and there is nothing you can do to take it away. He has always loved you and won't stop now.
The ones that condemn you, do they have nail prints in their hands and love in their eyes? All this is but a fragment of God's love, it can never be fully explained or understood only experienced and accepted.
He said that He was consumed by the zeal of His father's house but He was driven by His love for us. He did all He could and says if there's more He would. It's not about the pain of the cross but the weight of His love for us. Again, He did not come to make an impact that will outlive Him but because He saw you and me in hell. Hell is simply being separated from God. It's not about the fire that burns without but the fire that burns within. How can you truly know God's love and fall away?
It's not just about speaking mysteries that will get people thinking or give them a shiver in their bones. If they do not know the one that has called them to love them, what use is it?
The cry of the church is not for more prayers / grace. It's not for more growth/funds but the cry of love. How would the very thing that bound us be so much in lack.
Know this: God loves you.

Reference: Matthew 9

Monday, 16 March 2015

Misinterpretation of The Word

It is very important to always know what exactly God's word is saying concerning anything. Taking a cue from the Berean Christians, Acts 17:10-11, they always went back to the scriptures to ascertain whatever is preached from whatever source.
This point can just never be overemphasized as many are led astray as a result of wrong doctrine with no biblical base. There are even times when these doctrines come with scriptural reference but there is nothing like knowing God for yourself.
As Christians, we are not void of the Holy Spirit. The Bible even tells us that God does not give out His Spirit in measures but abundantly.
The Word is misinterpreted when people try to use their intellect to understand it. The Bible even tells us in Proverbs 3:5 not to lean on our understanding. Jesus even stated in John 3:6 that that which is born of the spirit is spirit and that which is born of the flesh is flesh. Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and you will not be a victim of the misconstrued Word.  

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Buildng and Sustaining A Relationship With God

Very few people, I mean Christians realize that God is in love with them. It seems kind of weird to say that and harder to accept because it sounds a lot more personal.
Words like fellowship have taken on a religious connotation and we forget the intention is to build a relationship. God wants us to go deeper in Him. This statement is also misunderstood as people just think of laying their hands on God's power.
Ever wonder why Jesus made Himself known to His disciples before talking about power talk less of giving it to them? This is not to say that attaining God's power is wrong. If it was, Jesus would not have asked His disciples to wait for it.
The rich, famous and beautiful often talk of having real friends that will be with them not just because of what they have but who they are. God has power but He is not power.
Building and sustaining a relationship with God is not really hard. It depends on what you are looking for; power, things or Him.
He loves you. Never forget that. Before ever you thought of Him, He had you engraved on His palms with your walls ever before Him. The only reason why you love Him is He loved you first.
Know that you're not alone and more than you want this, He does.

Monday, 2 March 2015

How Big Is Your God

It's a pity that Christians are more aware of the devil and the hierarchies in the kingdom of hell than they are of God. They know the powerful demons and know of all the different demonic activities and even get so scared.
It's meant to be the other way round. The Bible talks about those that name the name of the Lord, telling us that even demons do and tremble. That is how it is meant to be.
This is not to say we should be ignorant of the adversary but that we should not be ignorant of God and His power.
Once, I was telling someone about my interest in a particular post that had to deal with the spiritual lives of people and the person began to tell me of so many demonic activities associated with the post. As she talked, fear began to creep into me.
I stopped her immediately and began to tell her about how big my God is. T continued until the atmosphere changed. As I went on, I could feel the presence of God come on me so strongly. It was awesome.
While you are not ignorant of the devil, be conscious of the power and presence of God. Understand that they may have their authorities but their authorities are not yours. All of that changed when God delivered us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His dear son, Colossians 1:13.
Realize who you are, who God made you to be and who He is and walk in this light. Remain strong and informed.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


There is one end to life and all of it's pursuits.
The end which is seemingly the beginning of another.
Yet, the new doesn't start at death of the body but the death of the flesh.

The clamour for zoe all just an illusion.
People finding it hard to see right beyond their noses,
Looking for something right in their midst,
Hoping to get it when it's too late.

Despising it because of it's abundance,
So expensive yet so freely given,
So much in supply yet too scarce to find.
So needed yet so rejected by the ones that need it the most.

We know. I mean, those of us on the inside of this.
We live the life and we know the secret,
That what people want flows in us like rivers,
We beckon on them to have a fair share and allow this to flow in them,
But we're told we're crazy and don't know the way of life,
We're called naive and fit for scorn.

He once told me, "if you see things the way they are, you will do them the way they are to be done."
By that, He was saying, "if you know the paths and where they lead you will walk aright."

This is what we do.
This is what we should.
We arise to the task to let the light shine.
Not just that but to break through the dark,
That all that walk may see,
That there is one way and they should walk in it.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Light nd U

There's something quite particular about light. Darkness does not stop it's shine but makes it more obvious. One of my favorite preachers would say, "no one ever asks 'who turned on the darkness' rather, 'who turned off the light.'" This is because light is the determining factor and not darkness.

You must understand your position. If you do not know who you are, the devil would tell you who you're not. In your life you are the determining factor. If another animal claims to be king in the jungle, it's because the lion has not taken his stand yet. Are you making things happen or letting them. Even if food is put in your mouth, it's your responsibility to swallow.  

Whenever you're ready to take up your authority, it will be waiting for you but always remember, a lion is hardly killed in a fight but most often dies of hunger. No animal tells the lion that it is prey or that it's weaker.

The darkness does not have to give permission to light for it to shine. If there is any dark area in your life, it's probably because you're not ready to turn on the light. You probably don't know where the switch is but one thing I know is this: If you ever want to know your full potential, if you want to fully know yourself, check your manual, the Bible. No one knows a product more than it's manufacturer, not even the product itself.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Little Spices

Sometimes, just a smile is enough.

Sometimes, the slightest comment means much

You may never know how much

You may never tell how far it goes

At the receiving end, I know it once you've touched me

And even if you never do, I'm ever grateful and who knows...

I'll be one more person who'll do anything in your best interest,

One more that's been touched by your love.