Saturday, 10 August 2013

Be anxious for nothing!!!


          Maybe you've heard that before but that’s exactly what philipians 4:6 says; “Be anxious for nothing...” you know it’s easy to do what follows after that phrase “... but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving make your request known unto God...” naturally even the unbeliever will cry out for help when he comes to a dead end in life, so the believer is not so different when he cries out to God in times of need.
            The difference however comes when we put that scripture in its proper context, by that, the first thing we ought to do is to be anxious for nothing, that’s what makes our prayers effective: It’s no use praying, if you’re going to pray and worry. Our heavenly father loves us so much he not only dealt with our sins once and for all on the cross, but he wants to deal with our concerns and anxieties on a per time basis.

            No one said it will be easy to ignore anxieties when they come, but let’s understand that our only labour as Christians is the labour to remain in His rest:

“Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.”
Heb 4:11

         You see, God calls unrest unbelief . It’s only natural to fret when that big exam is coming up, it’s natural to worry when business is running slow and income is not forth coming, and every one will understand, if you’re anxious about the failing health of a loved one, but it’s divine when despite the circumstances, you choose to be anxious for nothing and absolutely nothing, whether great or small.
            We don’t help anybody when we worry, but we do them a world of good when we let God make the desired change, anxiety only prevents the interference of God in our situation. Jesus said:
“... for without me ye can do nothing”
            We read that, but what we interpret most of the time is; “without Him, I can’t do some of the most important things in my life” you know, we expect Him to oversee the seemingly big things in our lives and want to be responsible for the ones we feel that we can handle, but it’s always peaceful when we let our responsibility be a response to His ability working in us, here we see Him even in the smallest things and this honours God.
            “Hey, so I just fold my hands and do nothing, while my whole world comes tumbling down; I have to do something or else nothing gets done!”
            Really? You’re alive, did you do anything about that? No! Your priceless life was arranged by your father who is more, far more than enough. That being said, my answer is no, you’ll either be dead or paralyzed to not react when bad things happen.
            The point is to remove anxiety from your work process:
... and take them where?
“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”
1Pet 5:7 AMP
            Yes, our loving father wants us to throw all, absolutely all our concerns (once and for all) on Him and we do this by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.

            This way we give Him the license to take over, while we take a bow. And when He takes over He takes us over, because He’s our loving Jehovah, Hallelujah!

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Phil 4:7 NIV

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