Friday, 23 January 2015

To Live Freely Is To Live With God At The Centre

What does it mean to live abundantly, to live free? The Bible tells us in the presence of God, there is liberty. You might think  it's only during spiritual activities like church services, personal prayer/Bible study, other fellowships, etc but Jesus has raised us up to live every waking moment in His presence.
Ever think of why there's no place of worship in Heaven? This is because there is no need for one particular building/time as we'll live in His presence every minute and worship Him everywhere.
Do you ever feel burdened with the weight of people's expectations? Do you ever feel like people place you on a high pedestal and you've got a problem keeping up?
You're not alone. I feel that way too. Sometimes it feels like my life is a show.
He (talking of the Holy Spirit) tells me to serve Him. He tells me to follow Him and focus on Him and not on people and their expectations.
If it's such a burden, why do we so willingly exchange the freedom Christ bought with His life for bondage?
He has called us to live freely, to live abundantly. Not free to sin but free from sin. People find it so easy to live under the law but in fact, it's not easier. Later posts will talk on this further, the attention shifting from sin and law to God.
Paul asked the Ephesians, rather very emotionally why they were trying to work for something that they were given freely.
Some people think Christianity is about having a lot of do's and don'ts and that Christians are driven by fear and guilt. Sadly, this is true about some people who claim to be Christians.
Till you get to the point where you realize that you're truly free; you cannot freely accept God's love. You'll have to realize that being a Christian does not take away but gives you freedom.
Recommended: Galatians 5
That's what makes it love, the fact that it's not forced but of your own free will. Do not let people's expectations guide you but serve God alone. Let Him be your own focus and for all who think anyone's got it perfect/sorted, know this: we're all on the race towards perfection. All of us. There are things we may not admit to each other because ... (I really don't know for everyone) but most commonly; to keep up a reputation so people won't think you're struggling but for some of us, it's only because we've developed a strong relationship with God and when these things come up, we don't just go to Him to receive power but to talk it through with Him. It's a love relationship. His love (unconditional and undying, never giving up on us) gives us all the strength and encouragement we need.
If there's anything worth pursuing, it's a relationship with God. It's priceless. It's secure. It's safe. You're allowed to be you, to be vulnerable without fear of rejection. It's real, I mean really practical. It's awesome.

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