Monday, 2 February 2015

Seeing Things The Way They Are

Is it fasting that ENABLES God to answer our prayers? When does fasting become a religious activity? Why do we really fast? Does the Bible say anything about fasting? What does the Bible actually say? Are we commanded to fast? Have you ever searched the Bible for yourself to know firsthand what God actually said?
Do we rely on man (no matter how close they are to God) for everything including our relationship with God? Is that what God wants, another third party to come between the relationship that He bought with His life? Can you answer these questions without bias?
If God was satisfied with having a prophet AS A GO-BETWEEN, without any personal relationship with His people, do you think Jesus really had to come? The Bible tells us God sent His only begotten son because of His love for us so we won't die but have everlasting life. Do you know that in this verse, everlasting life does not refer to living forever as everyone gets to live forever in one of two places? The Bible does not stop at John 3:16 but goes on to say in the last verse of the same chapter that eternal life is knowing God. Do you know God for yourself or is it all about what someone else has said?
Jesus came to remove the go-between, giving His people the opportunity to access Him personally. At His death, the veil in the temple, separating the Holy of Holies from other parts was torn in two. Do you know what that signifies? Are you living in the reality or is it a waste in your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on target! God bless you.Awaiting your next post!!